Elementary and high school cafeteria gallery

Below you will be able to check several images of cafeteria environments in elementary and high schools with Metadil furniture.
Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment.

Produtos na imagem: Mesas individuais 7018R, cadeira 4321, mesa de professor 70322 e lousas modulares Wallvision.
Produtos na imagem: Mesas para refeitório 70469, cadeiras 4711, bandejas de servir BJ02.10, pratos fundos PTF01.10 e pratos rasos PTR01.10
Refeitório com móveis Metadil

Elementary and high school cafeteria gallery

Below you will be able to check several images of cafeteria environments in elementary and high schools with Metadil furniture.
Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment.