Movision supports

Movison supports Practicality They help teachers and students in classes, making them much more dynamic. Movision Metadil supports have a robust finish and are easy to move, favoring new room layouts with ease and practicality.   Differentials Extension Extension with...

Meeting room gallery

Meeting room gallery Below you can check out several images of meeting room environments with Metadil furniture.Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment. Product listAria chairs Library tables Wallvision TV Product listAria...

Art and music room gallery

Art and music room gallery Below you can check several images of art and music room environments with Metadil furniture.Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment.   Product listAria chairs Stool Collective table Cabinets...

Living room gallery

Living room gallery Below you can see several images of living spaces with Metadil furniture.Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment. Product listAria chairs Margherita tables Puffs Smuffs Puffs QUB Puffs bean Cabinets...

Living room gallery

Living room gallery Below you can see several images of living spaces with Metadil furniture.Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment. Product listAria chairs Margherita tables Puffs Smuffs Puffs QUB Puffs bean Cabinets...

MakerSpace gallery

MakerSpace Gallery Below you can check out several images of MakerSpace environments with Metadil furniture.Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment. Product listMaker benches Setbox benches Aria chairs Stool Toll cabinet...

MakerSpace gallery

MakerSpace Gallery Below you can check out several images of MakerSpace environments with Metadil furniture.Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment. Product listMaker benches Setbox benches Aria chairs Stool Toll cabinet...

Library gallery

Library gallery Below you will be able to see several images of library environments with Metadil furniture.Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment. Product listAria chairs Library tables Library shelves Product listAria...

Cafeteria gallery

Cafeteria gallery Below you can see several images of dining rooms with Metadil furniture.Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment. Product listCafeteria tables Line 43 chairs Trays and plates Product listCafeteria tables...

(NEW) Galeria Sala De Aula Ensino Infantil

Galeria sala de aula infantil Abaixo você poderá conferir diversas imagens de ambientes de sala de aula com os móveis Metadil.Clique em uma imagem para ampliá-la e visualizar a lista de produtos utilizadas no ambiente. Relação de produtosEstantes para biblioteca...