Sleepy room gallery

Below you can check several images of nursery environments with Metadil furniture.
Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment.

Produtos na imagem: Berços B1266R, trocadores TR1254-2D/E, porta-fralda A1250TR, mesa feijão MR1610, puff beam 5101BQP.3 e 5201P3, suporte para mochilas SM120PR2, painel perfurado Wallvision.
Sala Fundamental 5.jpg
Ambiente berçário com móveis Metadil
Produtos na imagem: Caminhas empilháveis CE1265, Painel perfurado WSSP120C, estante para fantasias 12092 armário 18045, armário 9245PC, estante 9041, cadeiras Aria 4711.

Sleepy room gallery

Below you can check several images of nursery environments with Metadil furniture.
Click on an image to enlarge it and view the list of products used in the environment.